Flying Through It

Updates on the blog have been slower this week, but the writing has not. Last time I updated, I was just under half-way. Now, I’m just over 30,000 words, 60% completed.

I’m approaching the end of Act 1 of my novel, now. Just a few more scenes to write, and then I’ll be moving swiftly into Act 2. If we consider our story structures, I’m about a quarter of the way through the novel. Which means that my book will probably clock in at around 120k words.

Image source: Philipp Truebiger

I’ve written my beginning, where I introduce the main players and the main theme. I’ve had the inciting incident, the thing that gets the story moving. Now, I need to get into the meat of the story, the trials and tribulations that will lead MC to the midpoint, the big twist, where the stakes are truly understood and she crosses the point of no return.

The first half of Act 2, or Act 2.1 if you will, was the weakest part of my first attempt at this story. Therefore, I really do think that my writing progress will slower from now on. I know I’ve said that before, but I need to take a day or two to actually plan what is going to happen. I don’t have a very clear picture in my mind as to how everything will unfold, and so I need to do some Big Thinking.

Not much more to say right now. I’ve got 10 minutes before my shift starts, so I thought I’d give you a quick update. I’ll let you know soon about the shift into Act 2, and whether it’s as tricky as I expect it to be.

Oh, and for those of you wondering, my operation yesterday went really well. It was just a minor thing, local anaesthetic, took about twenty minutes for the entire appointment. The doctor was fantastic – a little strange, but very friendly. Kept insisting that I wasn’t allowed to do any housework for the rest of the day, which I took firmly to heart. I think it’ll take around two weeks for everything to properly heal, but it’s not too painful.

Round Up:

Day: 9

Total words written: 30,058

Percentage complete: 60%

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